General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new concept primarily addressed to properly manage the circulation of personal data. This procedure aims to facilitate companies’ relationships with their customers under legal conditions.

Euro Tech Conseil carries out all its IT development projects in a professional and legitimate framework while respecting the laws imposed by the CNIL.
Transparent communications:
Our company operates and ensures its professional relationships according to the principles proposed by the GDPR. We always transfer concise, complete, and transparent information to the individuals concerned. This will establish a trusting relationship with our potential clients while ensuring:

Proper management of sensitive data
Understanding of all reasons for processing
Fair exploitation of confidential information
Our discussions are always recorded through telephone messages or written exchanges, and even through visible information panels such as videos to ensure the preservation of all details.
Data processing compliant with GDPR standards:
Euro Tech Conseil establishes professional relationships through signed and valid contracts in accordance with applicable law. This approach gives us the authorization to use all private data according to the requirements of the individuals concerned. Each contractual relationship obliges us to respect all shared agreements and requests from our partners.

Our data processing managers consider all legal obligations. They undertake a well-defined and transparent examination with precision regarding the purposes of processing.

Our collaborations are provided to achieve legitimate interests, and we deliver quality services for our targeted clients, not the other way around.

Our company assumes full responsibility for safeguarding vital interests and never delivers them to unauthorized individuals.