Euro Tech Conseil is an IT development and digital services company.
Being specialized in the custom development of software and web applications,
it secured its ITC licence for 4 years up to the year 2024. This licence makes it possible for a a company wanting to have an innovation credit tax to entrust the realization of a prototype or a project to Euro Tech Conseil.
The Innovation Tax Credit (ITC) is a fiscal value intended for SMEs.
The latter are eligible for an innovation tax credit including a rate of 20% of the expenses related to a design, an implementation of a prototype or a new service. The limit amount for these finances is estimated around €400,000 per year. Since we are accredited by the ITC, our company ensures the integration of the functionalities that it has made at the heart of the formula used on behalf of the innovation tax credit (The eligibility validation is done through the companies’ tax center).
You can contact us for more information.