Web Application Audit


Web Application Audit Services

We understand the critical importance of quality, security, and performance in web applications for the success of your business. That’s why we offer comprehensive web application audit services to ensure their technical excellence and optimize their performance.

Comprehensive Audit of All Web Applications

Definition of Source Code Audit
In-Depth Evaluation of Architecture and Source Code

Our approach to web application auditing begins with a detailed assessment of your application’s architecture and source code. We analyze the structure, consistency, maintainability, and code quality to identify potential issues and optimization opportunities.

Security Verification and Vulnerability Assessment

Web application security is paramount to safeguarding your data and preventing potential attacks. We conduct a thorough assessment of security vulnerabilities, examining potential weaknesses, SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and other types of threats. We provide recommendations to strengthen your application’s security.

Performance Evaluation and Response Times

A high-performance web application is essential for delivering an optimal user experience. We conduct load testing and performance assessments to determine your application’s capacity to handle heavy loads, maintain fast response times, and optimize efficiency.

User Experience (UX) Analysis

User experience plays a crucial role in the success of a web application. We analyze the usability, user-friendliness, and ease of navigation of your application to ensure a smooth and intuitive interaction with your users. We identify weaknesses in UX and propose improvements to optimize the user experience.

Compatibility and Compliance Testing

We verify the compatibility of your web application with different browsers, operating systems, and devices to ensure a consistent experience across all platforms. Additionally, we ensure that your application complies with current standards and regulations.

Detailed Report and Recommendations

At the end of the audit, we provide you with a detailed report containing our findings, recommendations, and action priorities. We guide you in implementing the necessary improvements to enhance the quality, security, and performance of your web application.

Web Application Audit

Proven Methodology for Web Application Audit

We follow an approved methodology for web application audit, ensuring a systematic and comprehensive approach to technical assessment.

Compliance with ISO 27001 Security Standards

We are committed to ensuring that your web application complies with ISO 27001 security standards. We verify security measures in place, risk management policies, access controls, data confidentiality, security incident management, and more. Our rigorous approach ensures that your application aligns with best practices in information security.

Compliance with GDPR Data Protection Standards

We ensure that your web application complies with the standards of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We assess the collection, storage, processing, and security of personal data within your application. We also verify privacy policies, user consents, and mechanisms for managing the rights of data subjects.

Compliance with OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Standards

During our audit, we ensure that your application adheres to the best security practices recommended by OWASP. We analyze the top ten vulnerabilities identified by OWASP, such as SQL injection, disclosure of sensitive information, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, and more.

Compliance with Web Accessibility Standards

We ensure that your application adheres to web accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) recommendations. We verify the proper use of semantic tags, keyboard navigation, etc. Our approach ensures that your application is accessible to all users, promoting inclusion and satisfaction across your audience.

Optimize your web application now! Contact us to get a comprehensive audit and recommendations to improve the security and performance of your application.

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